16 January 2012

Myeongdong Dog Cafe

It was my Seoul mission! Find a dog café: A place to drink hot chocolate and get my pet fix. I’d actually given up on the idea after reading a couple vague blogger directions, which I’m now, ironically, adding to. As fate would have it, a shopping stint in Myeondong led me to this giant snoopy dog that hangs around the general area of the Forever 21 and Zara building. We took a flyer and then asked a couple kind strangers to point us in the right direction. We found it pretty easily on the fourth floor of a narrow building in a busy shopping street (elusive much?). I snapped a picture of what I hope is the café’s name written in korean – though it seems the last letter has been cut out. If you get a chance check out the basement of the same building for this restaurant that’s completely covered in post -it notes. Unfortunately we arrived two minutes before their 3pm – 4pm closing so I didn’t get to catch a glimpse of the inside. Sad face. 

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